МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова
Механико-математический факультет
Кафедра прикладной механики и управления

Разработка, моделирование и экспериментальные исследования шестиногого и двуногого шагающего роботов (Design, simulation and experimental investigations of six-legged and biped walking robots)

10 декабря 2008 года
Профессор Франк Палис
(Университет Отто Фон Герике, Магдебург, Германия)

The presentation deals with results of research works in the field of six-legged and biped walking robots. Theoretical investigations are verified by experiments. To this aim the prototype of a six-legged robot and biped robot has been developed in co-operation with Fraunhofer Institut Magdeburg. Both robots are qualified by modular structure. Real time connection between robot´s modules and host PC is made via netX based communication bridge. EtherCat is chosen as a real-time Ethernet protocol for communication between robot´s modules and PC. The drive system of the six-legged robot ANTON consists of DC-motors with gear box. The humanoid robot ROTTO is equipped with DC drives and worm gear. One of the main focuses will be places on the development of different gait pattern for ANTON and their experimental verification. Ballistic control is used for motion design of ROTTO. First experimental results will be shown.